What lore are you creating?

Identity: Story explores the human need for storytelling through my interaction with stories. Stories are the identity of humanity. Storytelling keeps cultures alive, dares us to dream, and keeps records of our past when all else has ended. To see where imagination fits into the mix. Storytelling is limitless in its borders. 

Story has helped me ascend past my disability and past, empowering me to chase new heights and find new shores in all aspects of my life. What story was the most important to you growing up?

This work is also a culmination of the past ten years of finding my own identity through cosplay and subsequently cosplay photography. It is me finally having a conversation with that part of myself, my past, but also figuring out my future. Gaming, books, television, all of these things are impactful storytelling methods to our society. Through cosplay we get to see the digital aspect of those methods come to life through this exploration of storytelling and cosplayers' space in place that surrounds us. I want you to ask: what lore am I creating? How limitless could I be if I could be anything?